Atlantic Provinces - Outcome Chart - Social Studies Grade 4-6
Citizenship, Power and Governance
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and the origins, functions and sources of power, authority and governance.
- identify and critically examine the rights and responsibilities of individual citizens in a local, national and global context
- identify types of prejudice and stereotyping and its social and individual consequences
- Media Kids
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Images of Learning
- TV Stereotypes
- Stereotyping and Bias
- Villains, Heroes and Heroines
- Avatars and Body Image
- Introduction to Cyberbullying: Avatars and Identity
Culture and Cultural Diversity
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture, the diversity of culture, and views of the world, recognizing the similarities and differences resulting in various cultural perspectives.
- describe how culture is preserved and transmitted
- Advertising All Around Us
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television
- The Anatomy of Cool
Global Connections
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of global connections and the causes, consequences and possible solutions to global issues.
- explore how decisions made in one country can impact on other countries around the world
- identify concerns, standards, issues and conflicts related to universal human rights
- examine and describe the effects of changing technologies on the global economy
- demonstrate how thinking globally and acting locally can impact on global issues
- Understanding the Internet: Using the Internet
- Understanding the Internet: Pathways and Addresses
- Understanding the Internet: Build Understanding
- Understanding the Internet: Communication and Social Media
Groups and Institutions
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of how groups and institutions are formed, what controls and influences them, how they interact with individuals and cultures, and how they are maintained and changed.
- describe how groups and institutions influence people and society
- describe how people influence groups and institutions
- Advertising All Around Us
- Co-Co’s AdverSmarts
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- Thinking About Television and Movies
Individual Development and Identity
Students will be expected to demonstrate how personal development and identity are shaped by society and how individuals help shape society.
- describe ways in which advertising and the media can influence an individual’s perception of self, the world, and consequent behavior
- examine the influence of peers on one’s individual actions
- discuss why and how stereotyping, discrimination, and pressures to conform can emerge and how that affects an individual
- Advertising All Around Us
- Avatars and Body Image
- Co-Co’s AdverSmarts
- Comic Book Characters
- Cop Shows
- Gender Stereotypes and Body Image
- Image Gap
- Images of Learning
- Introduction to Cyberbullying: Avatars and Identity
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Media Kids
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Packaging Tricks
- Taking Charge of TV Violence
- The Anatomy of Cool
- Stereotyping and Bias
Student Tutorial
Individuals, Societies and Economic Choices
Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to make economic choices as individuals and as members of society based on their understanding of economic concepts, principles and systems.
- identify various factors that influence consumer choice
- Advertising All Around Us
- Avatars and Body Image
- Co-Co’s AdverSmarts
- Game Time
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media Kids
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Packaging Tricks
- Pay for Play
- The Anatomy of Cool
- Thinking About Television and Movies
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
People, Place and Environment
Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the interactions among people, places and the environment.
- identify the communication and transportation systems in their province used to move goods, people and ideas, within their communities and beyond
- value maps, globes, and other geographic representations as valuable sources of information and learning
- use maps, globes, and pictures to describe location and place
- use maps, globes, pictures, models, and technology to represent and describe physical and human systems
- Advertising All Around Us
- Co-Co’s AdverSmarts
- Cop Shows
- Images of Learning
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Media Kids
- Online Marketing to Kids: Protecting Your Privacy
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Packaging Tricks
- Understanding the Internet: Pathways and Addresses
Essential Graduation Learnings
Overall Expectations
Communication: Graduates will be able to use the listening, viewing, speaking, reading, and writing modes of language(s), as well as mathematical and scientific concepts and symbols, to think, learn, and communicate effectively.
Specific Expectations
By the end of grade 6, students will be expected to:
use maps, globes, pictures, models, and technologies to represent and describe physical and human systems.
MediaSmarts Resources