Saskatchewan - Arts Education 20

K-12 Creative/Productive (CP) Goal: Students will inquire, create and communicate through dance, drama, music and visual art.

CP20.2 Design and produce, individually or collaboratively, a multidisciplinary arts expression.


b. Experiment with various tools, materials, techniques and technologies to combine multiple arts disciplines.

c. Create a multidisciplinary project (e.g., individual student or small groups combine art forms, some students combine arts with other disciplines such as science or math).

MediaSmarts Resources

CP20.3 Communicate ideas that have personal meaning, creatively through the arts.


b. Experiment with various techniques and skills to express personal meaning (e.g., memory, event, experience, concern, interest).

c. Communicate, through the arts, thoughts and feelings about an idea, event or concept that has personal meaning.

MediaSmarts Resources

K-12 Cultural/Historical (CH) Goal: Students will investigate the content and aesthetics of the arts within cultural, historical and contemporary contexts, and understand the connection between the arts and the human experience.

CH20.1 Conduct an inquiry into how the arts can challenge or reinforce societal norms of a given time and place.


a. Generate questions for inquiry into how the arts reinforce or challenge norms of various time periods.

b. Research and discuss examples of controversial arts expressions.

c. Examine the influence of pop culture on societal norms.

d. Examine selected First Nations, Métis and international Indigenous artists who challenge societal inequities through their arts (e.g., treaty education outcome SI11 - analyze how the unfulfilled aspects of treaties, with international Indigenous people, have resulted in inequities).

MediaSmarts Resources

CH20.3 Investigate how the arts support, influence and shape diverse communities (e.g., gender and sexual diversity, people with disabilities, ethnic groups, popular music sub-cultures, social media-based groups).


b. Generate inquiry questions concerning the value of the arts for all members of communities.

c. Advocate for the arts in own communities (e.g., create an visual display, exhibition or performance, commercial advertisement, podcast).

MediaSmarts Resources