Outcome Chart - Nova Scotia - Visual Arts 11

Creating, Making and Presenting

Overall Expectations:

GCO 1: explore, challenge, develop and express ideas using the skills, language, techniques and processes of the arts

Specific Expectations:

CM 1.3 sustain a concept through diverse approaches and art media

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Overall Expectations:

GCO2: create and/or present, collaboratively and independently expressive products in the arts for a range of audiences

Specific Expectations:

CM 2.1 investigate, create, and employ signs and their signifiers (symbols) to communicate contemporary issues and/or personal meaning through a variety of media

CM 2.2 critically engage visual, spatial, and temporal concepts through various contexts and media

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Overall Expectations:

GCO 3: demonstrate critical awareness of and value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture

Specific Expectations:

UC 3.3 continue to develop an understanding of how visual arts contribute to the creation of culture

UC 3.4 actively engage in art advocacy

UC 3.5 investigate the ways artists explore social and artistic issues

UC 3.6 give voice to personal concerns through visual expression

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Understanding and Connecting Contexts of Time, Place and Community

Overall Expectations:

GCO 5: examine the relationship among the arts, societies and environments

Specific Expectations:

UC 5.1 create artwork that is informed by other arts disciplines

UC 5.2 analyse and demonstrate an understanding of how personal, social, cultural, and physical environments interact

UC 5.3 generate artwork that demonstrates an understanding of the elements of art and principles of design as they exist in art and in the natural and built environments

UC 5.4 examine and debate the moral, ethical, and legal issues related to the creation of artworks

MediaSmarts Resources

Perceiving and Responding

Overall Expectations:

GCO 7: understand the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works

Specific Expectations:

PR 7.2 continue to develop skills in making informed judgments about the use of various media and technological processes, considering their ability to convey meaning

PR 7.3 analyse and respond to the direct influence expanding technology has had and continues to have on the individual and society

MediaSmarts Resources