Advanced Visual Arts 11/12
GCO 1. Students will be expected to explore, challenge, develop and express ideas, using the skills, language, techniques, and processes of the arts
Overall Expectations:
CM 1.1 develop and realize artworks demonstrating skillful knowledge of formal principles, and present a body of work in a formal exhibition
CM 1.2 explore and demonstrate intrinsic properties of art media to express specific intent
CM 1.3 sustain a concept through diverse approaches and art media in a series of artworks
CM 1.4 demonstrate through artmaking, an understanding of formal design principles
CM 1.5 refine the art-making process through personal skill development from concept to finish, collaborating with professional artists in the field
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
Reality Check: Authentication 101
Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
Remixing Media
The Price of Happiness
Watching the Elections
GCO 2. Students will be expected to create and/or present, collaboratively and independently, expressive products in the arts for a range of audiences and purpose
Overall Expectations:
CM 2.1 investigate, create, and employ signs and their signifies(symbols) to communicate contemporary issues and/or personal meaning through thematic development and the use of a variety of media
CM 2.2 critically engage visual, spatial, and temporal concepts through various contexts and media
CM 2.3 make critical and articulate judgements when sorting, arranging, and displaying artworks, both collaboratively and independently
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Political Cartoons
Remixing Media
Watching the Elections
GCO 3. Students will be expected to demonstrate critical awareness of and value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture
Overall Expectations:
UC 3.1 reflect on the impact that an everyday visual context has on personal expression
UC 3.2 explore the links between visual arts and the student’s personal environment
UC 3.3 demonstrate an understanding of how visual arts contribute to the creation of culture
UC 3.4 actively engage in art advocacy through presentations and community collaboration
UC 3.5 investigate and demonstrate the ways in which artists explore social and artistic issues
UC 3.6 give voice to personal concerns through visual expression in the realization of a body of work
UC 3.7 use critical and historical practice to generate ways to interpret and explain works of art
MediaSmarts Resources
Art Exchange
Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
Political Cartoons
Remixing Media
Watching the Elections
GCO 5. Students will be expected to demonstrate critical awareness of and value for the role of the arts in creating and reflecting culture
Overall Expectations:
UC 5.4 examine and debate the moral, ethical, and legal issues related to the creation of artworks
UC 5.5 explore and present the functions and ethics of how societies use the arts
MediaSmarts Resources
Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
Political Cartoons
Remixing Media
The Pornography Debate: Controversy in Advertising
GCO 6. Students will be expected to apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive work
Overall Expectations:
PR 6.2 continue to engage in the critical process to develop informed, aesthetic responses
PR 6.4 investigate the roles and relationships among concepts of artist/designer, work, world, and audience/consumer in critical and historical investigations
MediaSmarts Resources
GCO 7. Students will be expected to understand the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works
Overall Expectations:
PR 7.2 make informed judgments about use of various media and technological processes, considering the ability to convey meaning
PR 7.3 analyse and respond to the direct influence expanding technology has had and continues to have on the individual and society with regard to art and design