New Brunswick - English Language Arts 4

Strand: Interactions

Big Idea: Expression

Skill Descriptor:

Express and discuss thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, and opinions, and consider those of their peers.

Achievement Indicators:

    Describe their thoughts and emotions, personal experiences, and the experiences of others with details

    Use descriptive language to express personal ideas and wonderings

    Use complete sentences and/or full thoughts to make a point

    Explain opinions, providing supportive information or reasons

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Select and present content to communicate facts, ideas, and opinions to peers and teachers.

Achievement Indicators:

    Use descriptive language to share simple facts, ideas and opinions about a specific topic

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Use language of harmony and respect. 

Achievement Indicators:

Describe helpful, respectful, and equitable language

Use language that is not hurtful or offensive

Identify differences between kind and hurtful language

Attempt to use inclusive language that respects gender identity

Attempt to use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Exchanges

Skill Descriptor:

Begin to use appropriate communication conventions. 

Achievement Indicators:

    Begin to use language specific to topic

    Begin to use language specific to audience

    Begin to use language specific to situation

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Respond personally to presentations, oral stories, and a variety of multi-modal text.

Achievement Indicators:

    Respond to presentations and oral stories with questions, wonderings, or reflections

    Respond to multi-modal text with questions, opinions, or reflections

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Begin to use social conventions when interacting

Achievement Indicators:

    Begin to use conversational courtesies

    Use turn-taking when interacting with others

    Demonstrate consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others

    Use words in place of actions to seek a response (conflict resolution, negotiation, material requests, etc.)

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Reading

Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

Skill Descriptor:

Construct meaning from printed text when reading independently.

Achievement Indicators:

Make multiple plausible predictions and inferences, citing prior knowledge and contextual reasoning

Create alternate plotlines, characters, and endings to satisfy a specific outcome (How might the story been written differently to have a suspenseful ending?)

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Connect and respond personally and critically to a range of texts across genres, topics and subjects.   

Achievement Indicators:

    Explain how texts connect to personal perspectives and experiences, citing prior knowledge and understandings

    Respond critically to a variety or text features and forms with questions, opinions, or reflections to formulate and deepen understandings

    Use background knowledge to analyze information presented in print and visual texts, using details from the text to differentiate between fact and opinion

    Identify instances where language is being used for a specific purpose and audience (for emphasis, to entertain, persuade, manipulate, or control)

    Explain how all texts represent a purpose or point of view and suggest an alternate point of view

    Identify examples of prejudice or stereotyping, citing reasons

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor:

Select and engage with a variety of text forms (images, visual media, cultural stories, artifacts, etc.) for specific uses 

Achievement Indicators:

Select from a variety of text forms, for interest or learning needs (narrative text, information text, braille, audio book, graphic text, non-fiction text, etc.)

Read or view a variety of text forms for interest or learning needs in first or additional languages

Express preferences and opinions about text and text features to others

Seek text to connect to current learning, enhance understanding, or build upon prior knowledge

Refer to various text forms for knowledge, entertainment, interest, and information

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Identify characteristics, forms, features, and types of text.

Achievement Indicators:

    Identify text characteristics and key story elements (characters, settings, plot, problem resolution, theme/lesson, etc.)

    Identify various text forms (narrative, report, instructions, explanation, autobiography, etc.) and their general purpose

    Use text features to gain additional information from the text (table of contents, headings and subheadings, glossaries, key ideas, margin notes, captions, fonts, diagrams, maps, etc.)

    Locate topics, and obtain and clarify information

    Describe elements of an author’s/creator’s style or technique, citing examples from the text

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Representations

Big Idea: Text Analysis

Skill Descriptor:

Select information from multiple sources to support ideas and construct meaning.   

Achievement Indicators:

    Use information from one or two sources to support ideas

    Gather information to answer a question or solve a problem

    Use information to persuade audience or form an argument

MediaSmarts Resources