Outcome Chart - Manitoba - Aboriginal Languages and Studies 9-10

GLO 3: Language Use in Context

Overall Expectations

3.3.3 Safety and Well-Being

Specific Expectations

3.3.3: A-10

identify helpers and community resources for promoting safety and well-being

3.3.3: E-10

identify issues related to violence in a variety of contexts (e.g., home, school, community, media, sports, relationships)

3.3.3: F-10

give examples of the skills (e.g., problem solving, anger management, communication, conflict resolution, assertiveness) used in dealing with scenarios related to physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive situations

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GLO 3: Language Use in Context

Overall Expectations

3.4.2 Connections, Comparisons and Influences

Specific Expectations

3.4.2: F-10

describe effects of stereotyping and discrimination on individuals, communities, and regions

MediaSmarts Resources

GLO 4: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Overall Expectations

4.3.2 Intercultural Perspectives and Skills

Specific Expectations

4.3.2: F-10

discuss ethnocentric perspectives in a document or in an event, and explain their origins

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