Issues in Canadian Geography 9 Academic CGC 1D
Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
Overall Expectations
Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating issues relating to Canadian geography;
Specific Expectations
assess the credibility of sources and information relevant to their investigations (e.g., by considering how the data are constructed to support the author’s point of view, the possible bias of the author, the expertise of the author, the accuracy of the text and supporting data, the intended audience, the purpose of the messaging, the context in which the information was presented)
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Bias in News Sources
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Hate or Debate?
- Taming the Wild Wiki
Changing Populations
Overall Expectations
Immigration and Cultural Diversity: describe the diversity of Canada’s population, and assess some social, economic, political, and environmental implications of immigration and diversity for Canada
Specific Expectations
evaluate strategies used to address the needs of various immigrant groups within communities (e.g., provision of language training, celebration of traditions from various cultures, provision of cultural and social support services in several languages, addressing hate crimes through community policing and education)
analyse social, political, and economic impacts of Canada’s immigration and refugee policies
MediaSmarts Resources