Saskatchewan - Arts Education 10

K-12 Creative/Productive (CP) Goal: Students will inquire, create and communicate through dance, drama, music and visual art.

CP10.1 Investigate creative processes for producing arts expressions.


a. Explore a range of creative processes (e.g., choreographers, composers, visual artists, theatre directors, filmmakers, writers, designers).

c. Generate questions, drawing on sources of inspiration, to engage in artistic inquiry (e.g., How can we artistically express our views on recent events? How could we play or compose in a style similar to an artist that inspires us?).

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CP10.3 Experiment with ways of communicating ideas to others, creatively through the arts.


a. Examine different ways of communicating messages through the arts (e.g., compare how different artists convey a similar message, examine the same issue from different artists’ perspectives) and use as inspiration for own work.

b. Apply techniques and skills to express ideas.

c. Communicate, through arts expressions, thoughts and feelings about a topic of interest.

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K-12 Cultural/Historical (CH) Goal: Students will investigate the content and aesthetics of the arts within cultural, historical and contemporary contexts, and understand the connection between the arts and the human experience.

CH10.1 Investigate how the arts can challenge, reinforce or draw attention to ideas, values and/or beliefs.


a. Provide examples of arts expressions that challenge ideas, values and/or beliefs.

b. Provide examples of arts expressions that reinforce or highlight ideas, values and/or beliefs.

c. Examine arts expressions of First Nations and Métis artists whose work challenges or draws attention to contemporary issues of concern to Indigenous communities (e.g., treaty education outcome TPP10 – investigate issues related to resource development and treaties).

e. Examine how ideas and/or themes evolve in the arts as the world changes (e.g., influence of newcomer artists, evolving technologies).

MediaSmarts Resources

CH10.3 Analyze how the arts can express identity and culture, past and present.


a. Discuss and investigate ways the arts can express personal and cultural identity (e.g., gender and sexual diversity, newcomer worldviews, pop culture associations).

b. Examine the role of traditional and contemporary arts in expressing Indigenous cultural and individual identity, past and present (e.g., treaty education outcome SI10: Analyze the spirit and intent of treaties and investigate the extent to which they have been fulfilled).

c. Communicate own understanding about relationships between arts, culture and identity (e.g., present to teacher or peers).

MediaSmarts Resources

K-12 Critical/Responsive (CR) Goal: Students will respond to artistic expressions of Saskatchewan, Canadian and international artists using critical thinking, research, creativity and collaborative inquiry.

CR10.1 Examine various creative processes and ways of thinking.


a. Investigate creative processes and ways of working and thinking in the arts and in STEAM-related disciplines such as:

  • directing;
  • composing;
  • cinematography; and,
  • graphic and web design.

MediaSmarts Resources