Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - English Language Arts 10-A
This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Saskatchewan, Grade 10-A English Language Arts curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
It is expected that students will:
Comprehend and Respond
Overall Expectations
Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address:
- identity (e.g., Foundational Stories);
- social responsibility (e.g., Destiny and Challenges of Life); and
- social action (agency) (e.g., Human Existence).
View, interpret, summarize, and draw conclusions about the ideas and information presented in a variety of illustrations, charts, graphs, and television, film, and video presentations including a documentary or current affairs program.
Read, interpret, and draw conclusions about the ideas, information, concepts, and themes presented in a variety of literary (including poems, plays, essays, short stories, novels) and informational (including magazines, newspapers, and on-line information) texts.
Specific Expectations
- Identify connections between self, texts, and culture.
- Comprehend key ideas and supporting details (both explicit and implicit), and determine their literal and implied meaning.
- Respond thoughtfully and critically to text providing support from text to justify response.
- Generate significant and thought-provoking questions about what is viewed, listened to, and read.
- Generate relevant questions about texts on issues related to identity, social responsibility, and social action (agency).
- View, interpret, and summarize grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international authors from various cultural communities.
- Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when viewing including:
- Pragmatic cues: recognizing and understanding formal English and how stylistic choices affect the meaning and impact of the message; recognizing different English dialects and problems inherent in “standard” English supremacy.
- Textual cues: recognizing and understanding the distinctive formats of a range of visual and multimedia texts and their textual and organizational features.
- Syntactic cues: recognizing and comprehending basic English sentence structures including common kernel structures and how they have been expanded with qualifiers and how they have been compounded and transformed (as questions, exclamations, inversions, negatives).
- Semantic/Lexical/Morphological cues: recognizing and comprehending when and how words are used in a concrete or abstract and a denotative or connotative way.
- Graphophonic cues: recognizing and comprehending the structure and patterns of high-frequency, topic-specific, and new words encountered in viewing.
- Other cues: recognizing and comprehending textual features such as graphic aids (e.g., diagrams, graphs, timelines, table of contents and index) and illustrations (e.g., photographs, images, drawings, sketches); recognizing intonation, nonverbal cues and body language; recognizing gestures, facial expression, sound, visual, and multimedia aids that were used to enhance presentation.
Demonstrate active viewing behaviours including:
- determine what the text is representing
- identify and analyze how the text was constructed
- identify the intended audiences and points of view in the text
- infer the assumptions, interests, beliefs, and values embedded in the text and the credibility and purpose of the author
- recognize language and media techniques and conventions in television, film, and video presentations
- analyze how the text uses argument, images, placement, editing, and music to create emotion and impact
- evaluate and critique the persuasive techniques.
- Analyze contrasting texts, evaluating the ways verbal and non-verbal (visual and multimedia) features are organized and combined for different meanings, effects, purposes, and audiences in different social contexts.
- Investigate the source of media presentation or production including who made it, why, and for whom it was made.
- Evaluate how genders and various cultures and socio-economic groups are portrayed in mass media.
- Prepare and present a critical response to what was viewed.
- Listen to and interpret grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, Canadian, and international authors from various cultural communities.
- Use available technologies to retrieve, select, and interpret information from a variety of sources.
- Bias in the News
- Camera Shots
- Challenging Hate Online
- Crime in the News
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Hate 2.0
- Hate or Debate
- Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- I heard it ‘round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Marketing to Teens: Gender Roles in Advertising
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Suffragettes and Iron Ladies
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- The Front Page
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
- Thinking About Hate
Compose and Create
Overall Expectations
Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
- identity (e.g., Foundational Stories);
- social responsibility (e.g., Destiny and Challenges of Life); and
- social action (agency) (e.g., Human Existence).
Compose and create a variety of written literary (including a historical persona essay and a review) and informational (including an observation [eye-witness] report and researched or technical report) texts attending to various elements of discourse (e.g., purpose, speaker, audience, form).
Specific Expections
Use representing, speaking, and writing to respond to experiences or texts (e.g., a staged dramatic scene, a television episode, a significant personal event).
Develop and present a project-based inquiry related to a theme or topic of the course:
- collaborate to determine group knowledge base and to define inquiry or research purpose and parameters
- formulate questions to focus and guide inquiry or research
- develop and use an inquiry or research plan to identify and access relevant ideas and information from a variety of sources
- determine the credibility, accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of a variety of information sources for a particular inquiry or research plan
- access information using a variety of tools (e.g., electronic networks, libraries, taped oral histories)
- organize information using appropriate forms (e.g., charts, diagrams, outlines, electronic databases)
- analyze and understand implications and consequences of plagiarism (i.e., ethical, legal, professional)
- draw logical conclusion from information and consider how to best present to identified audience
- document sources accurately using standard format (such as Modern Language Association [MLA], and American Psychological Association [APA])
- cite reference for all sources of information including summarized and paraphrased ideas from other authors.
Write an inquiry report (e.g., research report, an I-Search, a technical report)
- Buy Nothing Day
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Challenging Hate Online
- Crime in the News
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate 2.0
- Violence and Video Games
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: The Impact of Hate
- My Voice is Louder Than Hate: Pushing Back Against Hate
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Selling Tobacco
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
- Taming the Wild Wiki
- The Privacy Dilemma
- Thinking About Hate