Outcome Chart - Ontario - Media Arts 12 University/College Prep

Reflecting, Responding and Analysing

Overall Expectations:

The Critical Analysis Process

Specific Expectations:

Use the critical analysis process to deconstruct, analyse, and evaluate different types of media art works

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Identity and Values

Specific Expectations:

Analyse, on the basis of investigation, how media art works can serve as a catalyst for changing community or societal values (e.g., the use of filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl by the propaganda arm of the Nazi government in Germany in the 1930s; the advocacy role of documentaries such as Not a Love Story or If You Love This Planet)

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations:

Contexts and Influences

Specific Expectations:

Investigate and explain in detail the history and development of a range of media arts technologies (e.g., the development of interactive media from early mechanical games such as pinball, through early digital games such as Pong, up to more recent interactive web pages and gaming media)

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Responsible Practices

Specific Expectations:

Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal issues in media arts, including issues related to intellectual property, social conflict, and discrimination (e.g., freedom of expression and censorship of artists who challenge government policies; public access to work by artists from various sociocultural groups and representing a variety of perspectives), and use ethical practices when creating, presenting, or promoting media art works

MediaSmarts Resources