Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - English Language Arts Grade 3

Speaking and Listening

Overall Expectations

GCO 1: Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences

Specific Expectations

  • describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas
  • ask and respond to questions to clarify information and to explore possibilities or solutions to problems
  • express and explain opinions and respond to the questions and reactions of others
  • listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions
  • 1.0 describe personal experiences with supporting details
  • 2.0 demonstrate listening strategies for different situations and purposes
  • 3.0 use various types of questions to clarify information and ideas
  • 4.0 support responses to questions
  • 5.0 communicate concisely and sequentially

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Overall Expectations

GCO 2: Students will be expected to communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically

Specific Expectations

  • participate in conversation, small group and whole-group discussion; understand when to speak, when to listen
  • adapt volume, projection, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to the speaking occasion
  • give and follow instructions and respond to questions and directions
  • engage in and respond to a variety of oral presentations and other texts
  • 8.0 participate actively in conversations
  • 9.0 demonstrate effective presentation skills
  • 10.0 respond personally to information, ideas, and opinions
  • 11.0 respond critically to information, ideas, and opinions

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Overall Expectations

GCO 3: Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose.

Specific Expectations

  • use basic courtesies and conventions of conversation in group work and co-operative play
  • demonstrate a growing awareness that different kinds of language are appropriate to different situations
  • 14.0 demonstrate respect and sensitivity in oral communications

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Reading and Viewing

Overall Expectations

GCO 4: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual text.

Specific Expectations

  • select, independently and with teacher assistance, texts appropriate to their interests and learning needs
  • read widely and experience a variety of children’s literature
  • use pictorial, typographical, and organizational features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information
  • use and integrate, with support, the various cueing systems (pragmatic, semantic, syntactic, and graphophonic) and a range of strategies to construct meaning
  • describe their own reading and viewing processes and strategies
  • 16.0 select a variety of text types, forms, and genres appropriate for specific purposes
  • 17.0 use text features before, during, and after reading to help construct meaning
  • 18.0 use strategies to make sense of texts
  • 19.0 reflect on their development in reading and viewing

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Overall Expectations

GCO 5: Students will be expected to interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies.

Specific Expectations

answer, with assistance, their questions and those of others by seeking information from a variety of texts

  • identify their own personal and learning needs for information
  • generate their own questions as a guide for research
  • use a range of print and nonprint materials to meet their needs
  • use basic reference materials and a database or electronic search
  • reflect on their own research process

20.0 formulate questions that lead to inquiry

21.0 select relevant information from a variety of sources to seek answers to questions

22.0 organize information

23.0 share organized information

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Overall Expectations

GCO 6: Students will be expected to respond personally to a range of texts.

Specific Expectations

  • make personal connections to texts and describe, share, and discuss their reactions and emotions
  • express and explain opinions about texts and types of texts, and the work of authors and illustrators, demonstrating an increasing awareness of the reasons for their opinions
  • 24.0 make connections from text to-self, text-to-text, and text-to world
  • 25.0 express opinions about a variety of texts
  • 26.0 support responses using text information and personal experiences

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Overall Expectations

GCO 7: Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre.

Specific Expectations

  • question information presented in print and visual texts
    • use a personal knowledge base as a frame of reference
  • identify some different types of print and media texts - recognize some of their language conventions and text characteristics
    • recognize that these conventions and characteristics help them understand what they read and view
  • respond critically to texts
    • formulate questions as well as understandings
    • identify the point of view in a text and demonstrate awareness of whose voices/ positions are and are not being expressed
    • discuss the text from the perspectives of their own realities and experiences
    • identify instances of prejudice, bias, and stereotyping
  • 27.0 interpret the intended messages in a range of texts
  • 28.0 respond critically to intentional and unintentional messages within texts
  • 29.0 provide alternative perspectives to texts

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Writing and Representing

Overall Expectations

GCO 9: Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes.

Specific Expectations

  • create written and media texts using a variety of forms
    • experiment with the combination of writing with other media to increase the impact of their presentations
  • demonstrate some awareness of purpose and audience
    • make choices about form for a specific purpose/audience
  • consider their readers’/ listeners’/viewers’ questions, comments, and other responses in assessing their work and extending their learning
  • 32.0 use various text types and forms in writing and representations
  • 33.0 create text types and forms for specific purposes and audiences
  • 34.0 seek feedback in the creation and further development of texts

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Overall Expectations

GCO 10: Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

Specific Expectations

  • experiment with a range of prewriting, drafting, editing, proofreading and presentation strategies
  • use some conventions of written language
  • experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing
  • demonstrate engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations
  • select, organize, and combine relevant information, with assistance, from at least two sources, without copying verbatim, to construct and communicate meaning
  • 35.0 use a variety of strategies to write and represent effectively
  • 36.0 reflect on their development in writing and representing

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