Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Consumer Studies 1202


Overall Expectations

Knowledge Objectives

Specific Expectations

The student should:

  • know the general features of a market economy, including the role of consumer, business, and government
  • know of standards of quality, sources of product information, laws, and agencies that protect consumers
  • understand the rights and responsibilities of consumers
  • understand the rights and responsibilities of business organizations

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Overall Expectations

Skills Objectives

Specific Expectations

  1. exercise reason and critical thinking in making consumer decisions
  2. locate, gather, and compile information relevant to consumer affairs through listening, reading, viewing, interviewing, and research
  3. interpret information and research data and relate them to consumer problems and decisions
  4. translate the technical jargon used by manufacturers, retailers, and advertisers
  5. use various group learning and decision-making processes such as small discussion groups, debates, simulations, and role-playing
  6. make wise decision in the purchase of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health care, entertainment, credit, insurance, and investments
  7. manage personal resources through budgeting, saving, using credit, buying insurance, investing, tax planning, and providing financial security for the future.
  8. exercise consumer rights through the use of the law and various consumer agencies
  9. recognize, analyze, and take a position on issues significant to consumers.

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