Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Career Development 2201

Personal Management

Overall Expectations

Self Awareness and Positive Interactions

Specific Expectations

1.401 discover how individual characteristics, behavior and attitudes influence the feelings and behaviors of others and affect school and family situations and life and work roles
1.402 discover how a realistic and positive self-image contributes to self-fulfilment both in life and work
1.403 adopt behaviors that reflect a positive attitude about self and in turn contribute positively to one’s life and work and help build positive relationships with others

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Career Exploration/Learning and Work

Overall Expectations

Relationship of Work to Society and the Economy

Specific Expectations

4.401 develop strategies for locating, understanding and using life/work information

  • explore various work settings, roles and working conditions
  • explore economic/work sectors
  • demonstrate knowledge of basic job seeking and maintenance skills (e.g, résumé, portfolio, job interviewing skills, etc.)

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Overall Expectations

Life/Work Information

Specific Expectations

5.401 demonstrate an understanding of how changing economic and social conditions, and technological advances affect the evolving world of work

  • understand how organizations operate (e.g., how money is made, overhead costs, profit, etc.)
  • engage in work experiences that contribute to one’s community (e.g., home, school, community

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