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Talking to kids about gender stereotypes
Images of men and women in the media are often based on stereotypical roles of males and females in our society. Because stereotyping can affect how children feel about themselves and how they relate to others, it's important that they learn to recognize and understand gender stereotypes in different media.
Talking to kids about media violence
Talking to kids about violence in the media they consume – television, movies, video games, music and the Internet – can help them put media violence into perspective and perhaps diffuse some of its power.
Managing Music in the Home
A tip sheet for parents on how to manage music in the home.
Understanding the rating system for video games
It's important to know what the ratings mean on the video games your children play. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is an industry organization that has developed a rating system for computer, Internet and video games. Most games sold in North America are rated using this system.
What to do if someone is mean to you online
Don't fight back. A lot of times a bully is looking to get a rise out of you, and fighting back just gives them what they want. Sometimes they're hoping that you'll fight back so that they can get you in trouble!
Dealing with Marketing: What Parents Can Do
Educate your kids about advertising and how marketers target young people
First Do No Harm: How to be an active witness - Tip Sheet
Did you know? Two-thirds of Canadian students have helped someone who was being picked on online. When you see or hear bad things happening online, you have a lot of power to make things better – or worse. Sometimes it’s hard to know the right thing to do, so ask yourself these questions:
Be Respectful, patient and kind: How youth are building a better world online
MediaSmarts asked Canadian teens attending a Digital Youth Summit what they do to make the online world better for everyone. Here’s what they said:
10 tiny ways you can make the world a better place today
You can make the world a better place TODAY. 10 tiny ways you can make the world a better place today.