10 tiny ways you can make the world a better place today
Tip Sheet
- Smile.... at everyone.J (Morgan, 12)
- Say thank you, and really mean it. (Scott, 14)
- Include or invite someone into whatever you are doing. (Brynn, 15)
- Put your device away for a while when hanging out with friends. (Kathy, 14)
- Compliment a friend. It may be the first genuine compliment they’ve got in a while and it will brighten their day. (Ian, 16)
- Don’t forward that rumour/chain letter/bad photo. (Sasha, 13)
- Help someone if they need help. Don’t walk away. (Lindsay, 10)
- Spread the word about good causes: don’t be shy to share links to issues you care about (just make sure to check the source!) (Sarah, 15)
- If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t post it. (Hana, 14)
- Whenever you can, give credit to the original poster when you share something online. (Sophie, 14)