Outcome Chart - Manitoba - Physical Education/Health Education Grade 5


It is expected that students will:

  • describe examples of problems related to physical and verbal abuse with regard to safety of others
  • describe safety guidelines and the use of strategies to deal with bullies and harassment in a variety of situations
  • identify safety guidelines to protect self and others in potentially sexually abusive situations



Tip Sheets

Personal and Social Management

It is expected that students will:

  • identify how one’s self-concept and feelings are affected by others
  • identify the influence of self and others on setting priorities and making responsible personal decisions
  • identify misunderstandings and/or miscommunications related to messages in the media that could cause or affect conflict



Healthy Lifestyle Practices

It is expected that students will:

  • identify peer, cultural, media, and social influences related to substance use and abuse;
  • identify influences on sexuality and gender roles
