Outcome Chart - Ontario - Mathematics 6
Overall Expectations:
Data literacy: manage, analyse, and use data to make convincing arguments and informed decisions, in various contexts drawn from real life
Specific Expectations:
Data Visualization:
D1.4 create an infographic about a data set, representing the data in appropriate ways, including in tables, histograms, and broken-line graphs, and incorporating any other relevant information that helps to tell a story about the data
Data Analysis:
D1.6 analyse different sets of data presented in various ways, including in histograms and broken-line graphs and in misleading graphs, by asking and answering questions about the data, challenging preconceived notions, and drawing conclusions, then make convincing arguments and informed decisions
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Data Defenders
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Pay For Play
- Tobacco Labels
- Truth or Money
Overall Expectations:
Probability: describe the likelihood that events will happen, and use that information to make predictions
Specific Expectations:
D2.2 determine and compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of two independent events happening
MediaSmarts Resources
Financial Literacy
Overall Expectations:
Money and Finances: demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions
Specific Expectations:
F1.3 identify and describe various factors that may help or interfere with reaching financial goals
MediaSmarts Resources
- Advertising All Around Us
- Break the Fake: What's Real Online?
- Junk Food Jungle
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising - Lesson 4: Interpreting Media Messages
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 1: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 2: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising 3: Understanding Brands
- Know the Deal: The Value of Privacy
- Looks Good Enough to Eat
- Media literacy key concepts Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Online Marketing to Kids: Strategies and Techniques
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Pay For Play
- Truth or Money