Outcome Chart – Nunavut - Aulajaaqtut 11
Strand: Aulajaaqtut
Overall Expectations:
Module 2: Healthy Relationships
Specific Expectations:
1. discuss and learn about healthy relationships.
2. learn how to create and maintain healthy relationships.
3. understand that they can have control and make choices in any life situation.
4. discuss abuse and ways to break the patterns of abuse.
5. learn and brainstorm ways to recognize and prevent or improve healthy relationships.
6. learn about the behaviours which promote healthy relationships with others.
7. learn about community resources and people who can help maintain healthy relationships.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Online Cultures and Values
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
- Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
- Sex in Advertising
- The Pornography Debate: Controversy in Advertising
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
- There's No Excuse: Confronting Moral Disengagement in Sexting
- Your Online Resume