Outcome Chart – Nunavut - ELA 1
Strand: Uqausiliriniq
Overall Expectations:
1. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to access and explore prior knowledge and experiences of self and others.
Specific Expectations:
1.1.1 Talk about and/or represent self, and listen to others, and demonstrate curiosity
1.1.2 Express and explain text preferences (oral, print, and other media)
1.1.3 Choose to engage in classroom activities
1.2.1 Make connections between prior and new experiences and/or information
1.2.2 Explore personal and others' opinions
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Co-Co's Adversmarts
- Eating under the Rainbow
- Facing Media Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives
- Internet Time Capsule
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Representing Ourselves Online
- Rules of the Game
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television Techniques - Lesson
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson
Overall Expectations:
2. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts, through a process.
Specific Expectations:
2.2.1 Use prior knowledge to make connections between self and texts (oral, print, and other media)
2.1.4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts, through a process.
2.1.7 Use context cues and purpose, phonics, sight vocabulary, word meaning, and structural analysis, to construct and confirm meaning
2.2.1 Explore a variety of oral, print, and other media texts
2.2.2 Respond to oral, print, and other media texts creatively and critically
2.2.3 Talk about personal connections with texts (oral, print, and other media) from various communities
2.3.1 Talk about audience and purpose when exploring different forms and genres of texts (oral, print, and other media)
2.3.2 Listen to, read, and view to discuss the techniques and elements of texts (oral, print, and other media)
2.3.3 Talk about authors' use of voice, vocabulary and language in a variety of oral, print, and other media texts
MediaSmarts Resources
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Co-Co's Adversmarts
- Facing Media Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Internet Time Capsule
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- Rules of the Game
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television Techniques - Lesson
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson
Overall Expectations:
3. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to plan and focus an inquiry or research and interpret and analyze information and ideas, through a process.
Specific Expectations:
3.1.1 Discuss personal knowledge of a topic to discover information needs in own and group inquiry
3.1.2 Ask questions to satisfy personal curiosity on a topic and discuss information needs in own and group inquiry
3.1.3 Listen actively and follow directions for gathering information for own and group inquiry
3.2.1 Seek information about a topic from sources, including peers
3.2.2 Recognize when information answers the questions asked
3.2.3 Understand that library materials have a specific organizational system, which includes visual and auditory cues, to locate information and ideas
3.2.4 Make and check predictions using prior knowledge and text features
3.3.1 Identify and categorize information according to similarities, differences, and sequences
3.3.2 Represent and tell key facts and ideas in own words
3.3.3 Recognize and use gathered information as a basis for communication
3.3.4 Recall, talk about, and record information-gathering experiences
MediaSmarts Resources
- Break the Fake: What's in the Frame?
- Eating under the Rainbow
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Internet Time Capsule
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television Techniques - Lesson
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
Overall Expectations:
4. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to clarify and enhance oral, written, and visual forms of communication, through a process.
Specific Expectations:
4.1.1 Generate and focus ideas on a topic using a variety of strategies
4.1.2 Prepare to create by exploring the connections between forms, audience, and purpose
4.1.3 Create original texts (oral, print, and other media)
4.2.1 Talk about own and others' texts and representations (oral, print, and other media)
4.2.2 Clarify and extend ideas by adding some details
4.2.3 Print letters legibly, and explore keyboarding and word processing
4.2.4 Experiment with language to create desired effect in oral, print, and other media texts
4.4.1 Begin to experiment with techniques used to enhance presentations of texts (oral, print, and other media)
MediaSmarts Resources
- Break the Fake: What's in the Frame?
- Adversmarts: Introduction to Food Advertising Online
- Can You Spot the Ad?
- Co-Co's Adversmarts
- Facing Media Violence: Consequences and Media Violence
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Packaging Tricks - Lesson
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching TV: Learning With Television - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller - Lesson
- Teaching TV: Television Techniques - Lesson
- Thinking About Television and Movies - Lesson
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson
Overall Expectations:
5. listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to celebrate and build community within the home, school, workplace and wider society.
Specific Expectations:
5.1.1 Work in partnerships and small groups to follow preestablished group processes by accepting responsibility for a task and corresponding role
5.2.2 Explore own identity
MediaSmarts Resources
- Facing Media Violence: Counting & Discussing Violence on the Screen
- Facing Media Violence: Rewriting the Story
- Finding Balance in Our Digital Lives
- Internet Time Capsule
- Representing Ourselves Online
- Rules of the Game
- So Many Choices!
- Teaching TV: Film Production: Who Does What?
- What do Halloween costumes say? - Lesson