New Brunswick – Sociology 120
Strand: Sociology 120
Big Idea: Sociological Perspectives
Skill Descriptor:
Apply sociological perspectives to a current event or societal issue.
Achievement Indicators:
Make a claim about the causes of a current social issue based on a specific sociological perspective
Support that claim with evidence using that sociological lens
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Calling Out Versus Calling In
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Do Sharks Love Ice Cream?
- First Person
- Introduction to Online Civic Engagement
- Miscast and Seldom Seen
- Online Cultures and Values
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Police in Media
- Political Images: Memes and Cartoons
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in Popular Media
- Screen Stigma: Looking at Mental Illness in the News
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media