New Brunswick - Social Studies 9


Big Idea: Civic Engagement

Skills Descriptor:

Take age-appropriate actions that demonstrate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship (local, national, and global).

Achievement Indicators:

  • Define citizenship, including rights and responsibilities
  • Analyze how the history of Canada has shaped concepts of citizenship
  • Discuss human rights as identified in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the NB Human Rights Act
  • Plan and carry out age-appropriate actions that demonstrate engaged citizenship

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Power and Governance

Skills Descriptor:

Explain the structures and operations of governance in Canada.

Achievement Indicators:

  •  Describe how democracy works in Canada

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Rights and Responsibilities

Skills Descriptor:

Investigate persistent issues involving the rights, responsibilities, roles, and status of individuals and groups in Canada.

Achievement Indicators:

Explain rights, responsibilities, roles, and status of peoples in Canada through analysis of art, literature, media, and music

MediaSmarts Resources