Outcome Chart - Manitoba - Interdisciplinary Topics in Science 40S

General Learning Outcome A – Nature of Science and Technology

Overall Expectations

Differentiate between science and technology, recognizing their respective strengths and limitations in furthering our understanding of the material world, and appreciate the relationship between culture and the development of technologies.

Specific Expectations


Identify and appreciate the manner in which history, circumstance, and culture shape the science of a society and its creation or use of technologies.


Analyse a controversial issue in the context of science as a community endeavour. Include: activities within the scientific community and potential influences beyond the scientific community

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General Learning Outcome B – Science, Technology, Society and the Environment

Overall Expectations

Explore problems and issues that demonstrate interdependence among science, technology, society and the environment within the context of sustainability

Specific Expectations

SLO B1: Identify and explore a current STSE issue.

SLO B2: Recognize that decisions reflect values and consider their own values and those of others when making a decision.

SLO B3: Evaluate implications of possible alternatives or positions related to an STSE issue.

SLO B4: Recommend an alternative or identify a position and provide justification.

SLO B5: Propose a course of action related to an STSE issue.

SLO B6: Reflect on the process used by themselves or others to arrive at an STSE decision.

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General Learning Outcome C – Scientific and Technological Skills and Attitudes

Overall Expectations

Demonstrate appropriate inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making skills and attitudes, for exploring scientific and/or technological issues and problems.

Specific Expectations

Research/Information Management

SLO C12: Evaluate information obtained to determine its usefulness for one’s needs. Examples: scientific accuracy, reliability, currency, relevance, balance of perspectives, bias…

SLO C13: Quote from or cite sources as required and reference sources according to an accepted practice.

SLO C14: Communicate information in a variety of forms appropriate to the purpose, audience and context.

SLO C15: Use bibliographic and electronic research tools to collect information on a selected topic.

SLO C16: Compare diverse perspectives and interpretations in the media and other public information sources.

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