Outcome Chart - Alberta - COM3115: AV Production 2
COM3115: AV Production 2
1. apply advanced production techniques and strategies to produce an audio and video project
1.1 follow a preproduction plan
1.2 apply appropriate skills and demonstrate refinement
1.3 investigate emerging audio and video technologies or formats
1.4 explore refined, unique and innovative shot selections
MediaSmarts Resources
- Buy Nothing Day
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- First Person
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
- Video Production of a Newscast
2. use correct terminology in describing equipment, techniques, processes and procedures
MediaSmarts Resources
3. apply production elements, such as lighting, sound and special effects, to the production 3.1 enhance equipment operation skills by producing an audio/video project using:
3.1.1 composition
3.1.2 varying focal length and focal distance
3.1.3 adding and subtracting light (artificial and natural)
3.1.4 postproduction editing, including cutting on movement
3.1.5 special effects through the use of sound
3.1.6 keying; e.g., green screen
3.1.7 shooting to edit
3.2 analyze and apply an appropriate camera shot for the situation
MediaSmarts Resources
5. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
MediaSmarts Resources