Outcome Chart - Ontario - Health and Physical Education Grade 7

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Ontario Grade 7 Health and Physical Education curriculum with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Social-Emotional Learning Skills

Overall Expectations:

A1.1 Identification and Management of Emotions

Specific Expectations:

A1.1 apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others

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Overall Expectations:

A1.2 Stress Management and Coping

Specific Expectations:

A1.2 apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal  resilience

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Overall Expectations:

A1.3 Positive Motivation and Perseverance

Specific Expectations:

A1.3 apply skills that help them develop habits of mind that support positive motivation and perseverance as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to promote a sense of optimism and hope (e.g. Healthy Living: persevere in trying to reframe negative judgements about their body in order to achieve body acceptance and to adopt healthy strategies for fitness and overall health and well-being)

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Overall Expectations:

A1.4 Healthy Relationships

Specific Expectations:

A1.4 apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity

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Overall Expectations:

A1.6 Critical and Creative Thinking

Specific Expectations:

A1.6 apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analysing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making

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Healthy Living

Overall Expectations:

Understanding Health Concepts

Specific Expectations:

D1.1 describe benefits and dangers, for themselves and others, that are associated with the use of computers and other digital technologies (e.g. ,   benefits: efficiency and time savings; increased access to information; improved communication, including global access; dangers: misuse of private information; negative impact on mental health, including  possible social isolation, feelings of depression, and addiction; identity theft; cyberstalking; exposure to online predators, including those involved in sex trafficking and/or soliciting explicit sexual images; hearing damage and/or traffic injuries associated with earphone use; financial losses from online gambling), and identify protective responses

D1.3 explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent, the legal age of consent, and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making  decisions about sexual activity in a healthy, loving relationship

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Overall Expectations:

Making Healthy Choices

Specific Expectations:

D2.2 assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or  resolving such incidents

D2.3 explain how preoccupation with body image or athletic performance can contribute to harmful or problematic eating habits and substance use, and demonstrate the ability to make informed choices about caring for their bodies

D2.4 demonstrate an understanding of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive factors that need to be considered when making decisions related to sexual health

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Overall Expectations:

Making Connections for Healthy Living

Specific Expectations:

D3.1demonstrate an understanding of personal and external factors that affect people’s food choices and eating habits (e.g., personal: likes and dislikes, basic food skills, busy schedules, food allergies or sensitivities, health conditions, personal values, cultural practices or teachings; external: family or household budget, cost of foods, access to clean drinking water, type of food available at home, at school, or in the community), and identify ways of encouraging healthier eating practices

D3.2 analyse the personal and societal implications of issues related to substance use,  addictions, and related behaviours (e.g., effects of technology dependence on school and workplace performance, personal relationships, and physical health; impacts of  pornography viewing patterns on relationships; risks associated with vaping and chewing tobacco; effects of second-hand smoke on non-smokers and children; legal and health  implications of underage drinking and cannabis use; body damage and reputation loss among athletes as a result of the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs; risk of HIV/AIDS with intravenous drug use; risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder [FASD] as a result of alcohol use during pregnancy)

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