Outcome Chart - Ontario - Media Arts 11 University/College Preparation

Reflecting, Responding and Analysing

Overall Expectations:

The Critical Analysis Process

Specific Expectations:

Use the critical analysis process to deconstruct, interpret, and assess media art works created by recognized artists, and record and organize their findings using a variety of tools and formats

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations:

Identity and Values

Specific Expectations:

Analyse the ability of historical or contemporary media art works to influence community or societal values (e.g., the impact of propaganda art, such as that of the Chinese Cultural Revolution; the impact of the documentary The Final Inch; the influence of contemporary advertising)

Analyse how the process of critically analyzing media art works has affected their perception and understanding of different communities, cultures, ideologies, and/or social groups (e.g., how analysing media art work posted on video blogs has expanded their knowledge or changed their perception of people who are from different cultures or who advocate different ideologies)

MediaSmarts Resources


Overall Expectations:

Responsible Practices

Specific Expectations:

Explain ethical and legal issues associated with media arts, particularly with respect to social justice and equity issues (e.g., issues of access, inclusion, cultural appropriation), and use ethical and legal practices when creating, presenting, or promoting media art works

MediaSmarts Resources