Outcome Chart - Ontario - Computer Technology, Grade 11 Workplace Preparation (TEJ3E)

Computer Technology Fundamentals

Overall Expectations

A2. describe the topologies and hardware of computer networks, and the advantages and disadvantages of computer networking

Specific Expectations

A2.3 describe the advantages and disadvantages of networked computing (e.g., data sharing, collaborative applications, security, costs, centralized administration, reliability, effects of equipment failure).

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Technology, The Environment, and Society

Overall Expectations

C2. describe societal issues related to the widespread use of computer technology

Specific Expectations

C2.1 describe the benefits of computer technology for society (e.g., cheaper and more efficient information services, telecommuting, development of a “global village”);

C2.2 describe the drawbacks of computer technology for society (e.g., Internet gambling addictions, more sedentary lifestyle, spam, telemarketing, loss of privacy).

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