Outcome Chart - Ontario - Computer Engineering Technology, Grade 11 U/C Prep (TEJ3M)
Computer Technology Fundamentals
Overall Expectations
A4. describe network concepts, services, and security
Specific Expectations
A4.4 describe methods for making a network secure (e.g., firewalls, data and password encryption, user authentication, WEP or WPA keys, security of server room).
MediaSmarts Resources
Technology, The Environment, and Society
Overall Expectations
C2. describe societal issues related to the widespread use of computers and associated technologies
Specific Expectations
C2.1 describe the benefits of computer and electronic technology for society (e.g., greater efficiency and lower costs for information services, improved access to technology for economically disadvantaged people and nations, development of a “global village”);
C2.2 describe some of the drawbacks of computer and electronic technology for society (e.g., loss of privacy, infringement of intellectual property rights through unlicensed copying and electronic distribution, a more sedentary lifestyle, spam, telemarketing, Internet gambling addictions).
MediaSmarts Resources
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- Dealing with Digital Stress
- Digital Outreach for Civic Engagement
- Digital Storytelling for Civic Engagement
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Introduction to Online Civic Engagement
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Online Cultures and Values
- Online Gambling and Youth
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Online Relationships: Respect and Consent
- Privacy Rights of Children and Teens
- Remixing Media
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms