Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Social Studies Grade 10

Big Ideas

  • Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities.
  • The development of political institutions is influenced by economic, social, ideological, and geographic factors.
  • Worldviews lead to different perspectives and ideas about developments in Canadian society.
  • Historical and contemporary injustices challenge the narrative and identity of Canada as an inclusive, multicultural society.

Overall Expectations:

  • Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
  • Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments,
    and compare varying perspectives on their significance at particular times and places, and from group to group (significance)
  • Assess the justification for competing accounts after investigating points of contention, reliability of sources, and adequacy of evidence, including data (evidence)
  • Compare and contrast continuities and changes for different groups at particular times and places (continuity and change)
  • Assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups influence events, decisions, or developments, and analyze multiple consequences (cause and consequence)
  • Explain and infer different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, or events by considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews, and beliefs (perspective)
  • Make reasoned ethical judgments about actions in the past and present, and assess appropriate ways to remember and respond (ethical judgment)

Specific Expectations

Students are expected to know the following:

  • government, First Peoples governance, political institutions, and ideologies
  • environmental, political, and economic policies
  • Canadian autonomy
  • Canadian identities
  • domestic conflicts and co-operation
  •  international conflicts and co-operation

MediaSmarts Resources