Social Studies 10-12

Many curricular expectations in B.C. Social Studies courses relate to media and digital literacy. The core historical and geographical thinking concepts include a consideration for evidence, perspectives, and ethics, all of which are required for teaching students to be digitally literate citizens. Thus, media and digital literacy skills and concepts can be found in many of the Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and specific course content.

Analysis of media messages is a valuable component of the Social Studies 10-12 curriculum, and allows students to think critically and independently about issues that affect them.

The following concepts of media education are examples of the ways in which teachers and students can examine a range of media messages relevant to Social Studies 10-12:

  • Assess the coverage of significant political decisions from different media outlets (Grade 10)
  • Current issues in local, regional, national, or global politics as represented in mass media (Grade 11)
  • Assess the credibility and justifiability of the media’s representation of different issues (Grade 11)
  • Identify the trends and patterns of the media’s portrayal of different issues (Grade 11)
  • Examine various media sources on a topic and assess how much of the language contains implicit and explicit moral judgments (Grade 11, Grade 12)
  • Identify the role of media in shaping response to international conflicts (Grade 12)
  • Identify the role and significance of media in challenging and supporting the continuity of culture, language, and self-determination of B.C. First Peoples (Grade 12)
  • Assess the accuracy of representations of religion in media and popular culture (critical media literacy) (Grade 12)
  • Identify the methods used by media, governments, or political groups to influence public opinion (Grade 12)

Source: Social Studies, 2018.
British Columbia Ministry of Education

Select a grade level under Social Studies 10-12 for a list of media-related outcomes and links to supporting resources from the MediaSmarts site. (Note: as many of our lessons can be adapted to suit different grade levels, specific lessons may be listed for more than one grade. Teachers should also note that individual lessons often satisfy a number of learning outcomes.)