Resources for Teachers - Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying and the Law

Cyberbullying can be addressed under civil law or criminal law, based on the situation.

What to do if someone is mean to you online

Don't fight back.

A lot of times a bully is looking to get a rise out of you, and fighting back just gives them what they want. Sometimes they're hoping that you'll fight back so that they can get you in trouble!

Half Girl, Half Face Workshop

Intended for girls in grades 7-9, Half Girl, Half Face explores many of the online image issues teenage girls may encounter when they use digital media – particularly social networks.

When you react the right way to cyberbullying you can turn things around

Ask yourself:

  • Am I letting things go because I don't think I can do anything to help? Actually, what you do is super important. What witnesses do about bullying is actually one of the most important factors in how much someone is hurt by it and can go a long way in building positive online spaces.
  • Am I letting things go because I'm worried about becoming  a target? It's normal to be afraid that someone who's being mean might get mad at you if you do something public to defend the person they’re targeting.

Ontario Health Curriculum: Media and Digital Literacy Connections for K-12

The new Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum released this year by the Ontario Ministry of Education is the first major revision to the subject area in almost 30 years.