Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Health Education Grade 8

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Saskatchewan Grade 8 Health Educations curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Develop the understanding, skills, and confidences necessary to take action to improve health

Overall Expectations

Analyze how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities.

Assess how body image satisfaction/ dissatisfaction and over-reliance on appearance as a source of identity and self-esteem affects the quality of life of self and family.

Assess the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and decisions.

Specific Expectations

Examine the prejudices/biases that exist in the community.

Investigate how the differences that exist in families are respected and protected in Canadian human rights legislation.

Examine how prejudices/biases are learned attitudes and behaviours.

Recognize, name, and challenge instances of inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination related to family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities.

Analyze how stereotyping and social constructions (e.g., gender, “poor bashing”, white privilege) affect the well-being of self, family, and community.

Locate and evaluate, according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and information about healthy weights, body image, and self-esteem.

Discuss body image to include one’s feelings, attitudes, and perceptions towards his/her body and physical appearance.

Investigate the motivations for and the consequences of being satisfied or dissatisfied with how we look.

Explore the different attitudes and behaviours related to self-perception (e.g., body image satisfaction, body image investment, body image behaviour, body image perception) and how difficulties in one or all of these areas creates disturbances in body image.

Understand the pressures/influences that promote unrealistic images of desirable body shape and weight.

Analyze the relationships between self-esteem and body image.

Analyze techniques used by industries (e.g., plastic surgery, weight loss products, diets) and the mass media to influence judgement and values about the way we look.

Locate and evaluate, according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and information about sexual health

Examine how the social, cultural, and environmental influences may determine people’s knowledge and access to sexual health information.

Examine and develop an understanding of influences on responsible sexual health decisions (e.g., family, culture, social, religion).

Determine how access to sexual health supports and services influence personal and community sexual health.
