Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Wellness Grade 10
Overall Expectations
W1 Evaluate one’s understanding of wellness while participating in various learning opportunities that balance the dimensions of wellness (i.e., physical, psychological, social, spiritual, environmental).
Specific Expectations
Employ appropriate and increasingly sophisticated strategies (including technology) to gather, interpret, and evaluate wellness information (e.g., interview community wellness experts, evaluate source of information, reflect on personal biases, discuss alternative perspectives).
Investigate the multitude of factors that exert influences on life balance (e.g., relationships, gender, culture, stress, sense of belonging, leisure, traditions, socio-economic factors, physical and mental fitness, technology use).
Critique community and societal norms (e.g., expectations regarding gender roles, norms regarding alcohol consumption) that influence the well-being of self, family, and community.
Examine available supports (both formal and informal) for attaining and maintaining optimal wellness and establish strategies to effectively access these supports.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Alcohol on the Web
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Gambling in the Media
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- I heard it ‘round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Kellogg Special K Ads
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Selling Tobacco
- Suffragettes and Iron Ladies
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
Overall Expectations
Assess the impact of mental health on overall well-being of self, family, and community.
Specific Expectations
Reflect on and discuss personal and community beliefs and biases about mental health.
Examine common misconceptions and negative stigmas/ connotations related to both the area of and the language of mental illness (e.g., misconception that an individual with a mental illness has a weak character or is inevitably dangerous).
Consider ways to reduce stigma, address discrimination, and eliminate structural barriers related to mental illness.
Describe, with information from a variety of mental health experts, the factors that contribute to positive mental health (e.g., involvement in extracurricular activities, belonging to a team/group).
MediaSmarts Resources
Overall Expectations
W8 Assess how relationships (e.g., with self, peers, family, teachers, teammates, opponents, coaches, employers) influence all dimensions of wellness.
Specific Expectations
Discuss and examine common challenges in relationships
Determine own challenges in personal relationships
Investigate ways in which relationships are initiated, maintained, and terminated and the related consequences to overall wellbeing
Analyze negative interactions that may result during competitive participation in movement activities (e.g., a parent/adult yelling at an official, a coach who does not give equal playing time).
Reflect on personal approaches to conflict and how these approaches enhance and/or impede wellness.
Discuss skills and behaviours that are effective in nurturing relationships and those that escalate conflict.
. Examine the benefits (e.g., staying connected to a friend who has moved, enhanced opportunity to engage in social justice or political issues) and the harm (e.g., online bullying, inadequate sleep, scams) that may result from the use of social networking, online shopping, internet gambling, etc.
Examine legal rights and responsibilities concerning relationships and how these rights and responsibilities are established to support overall well-being.
MediaSmarts Resources