Outcome Chart - Ontario - English as a Second Language A
This outcome chart contains media education learning outcomes from the English as a Second Language A curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
Socio-Cultural Competence And Media Literacy
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
4. demonstrate an understanding of, interpret, and create a variety of media texts.
Specific Expectations
Demonstrating Media Knowledge and Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Understanding Media Texts
4.1 view, read, and listen to simple media texts to obtain information and complete assigned tasks (e.g., report the weather as forecast on television; compile sports scores from the newspaper; obtain transportation schedules from websites; scan flyers to price school supplies)
Interpreting Media Texts
4.2 identify the purpose and intended audience of a few different types of media texts (e.g., advertising flyers, travel brochures, settlement services pamphlets, DVDs, websites)
Creating Media Texts
4.3 create simple media texts for a few different purposes (e.g., posters or brochures about the school or community, a collage on first impressions of Canada)
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Crime in the News
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Marketing to Teens: Marketing Tactics
- News Journalism Across the Media
- Sex in Advertising
- TV Dads: Immature and Irresponsible?
- Video Production of a Newscast