Quebec Competencies Chart - Game Time
Author: Matthew Johnson, Director of Education, MediaSmarts
Level: Grades 4 to 6
Lesson Length: 1 ½ to 2 hours, spread over 3 sessions
Lesson Link:
Description: In this lesson, students consider the positive aspects of video games as well as the ways in which games may take time away from other activities they enjoy. Students are introduced to the idea of balancing game and screen time with other parts of their lives and learn about the reasons why they may be tempted to spend more time playing games or find it difficult to stop playing. They then keep a diary of their game play (or another screen activity if they do not play video games) that prompts them to reflect on their gaming habits. Partway through that process, they are introduced to techniques that will help them moderate their game play and deal with the difficulties they may feel reducing game time. Finally, students reflect on the experience and develop a plan to make their game play more mindful.
Cross-curricular Competencies |
Broad Areas of Learning |
This lesson satisfies the following Competencies from the Quebec Education Program:
English Language Arts
To Read and Listen to Literary, Popular and Information-Based Texts
- To use a response process when reading and listening to literary, popular, and information-based texts
- To construct her/his own view of the world through reading and listening to literary, popular and information-based texts
- To construct a profile of self as reader
- To self-evaluate her/his reading development
- To construct meaning by applying appropriate reading strategies
To Write Self-expressive, Narrative and Information-based Texts
- To integrate her/his knowledge of texts into own writing
- To self-evaluate her/his writing development
- To follow a process when writing
- To construct profile of self as writer
- To use writing as a system for communicating and constructing meaning
To Represent Her/His Literacy in Different Media
- To apply appropriate strategies for constructing meaning
- To self-evaluate her/his development as a viewer and producer of media texts
- To follow a process to respond to media texts
- To construct her/his own view of the world through the media
- To follow a production process in order to communicate for specific purposes to a specified audience
To Use Language to Communicate and Learn
- To use language (talk) to communicate information, experiences and point of view
- To self-evaluate her/his language development
- To use language (talk) for learning and thinking
- To apply her/his knowledge of linguistic structures and features
- To interact in collaborative group activities in a variety of roles
Physical Education and Health
To develop a healthy, active lifestyle
- To analyze the impact of some personal lifestyle habits on own health and well-being
- To assess the results of the plan
- To develop a plan in order to change some personal lifestyle habits
- To carry out a plan in order to change some personal lifestyle habits