Outcome Chart - Prince Edward Island - Social Studies 9
Unit 2 – Culture in the Global Community
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.2.1 Describe trends that reflect the globalization of culture
Specific Expectations
2.1.1 identify expressions of culture, including language, that are part of contemporary society
2.1.2 describe the most visible, audible, or tactile aspects of culture that are/ have been influenced by globalization
2.1.3 explain cultural diffusion, acculturation, and assimilation
2.1.4 identify examples from history that demonstrate early roots of cultural diffusion, acculturation, and assimilation
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Diversity and Media Ownership
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Campaigns
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Relationships and Sexuality in the Media
- The Girl in the Mirror
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.2.2 Analyse factors that contribute to the globalization of culture
Specific Expectations
2.2.1 explain how human movement — exploration, relocation, migration, commercial transportation, leisure travel — contributes to the global exchange of ideas and culture
2.2.2 examine how mass and/or social media contribute to the globalization of culture, cultural diffusion, acculturation, and assimilation
2.2.3 explain how globalization of culture may be either intentional or nonintentional
MediaSmarts Resources
- Beyond Media Messages: Media Portrayal of Global Development
- Celebrities and World Issues
- Diversity and Media Ownership
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.2.3 Assess the impact of the globalization of culture
Specific Expectations
2.3.1 identify changes in culture as a result of globalization
2.3.2 describe benefits and opportunities that may arise from the globalization of culture
2.3.3 explain challenges and limitations that may arise from the globalization of culture
2.3.4 debate the argument for or against globalization of culture
MediaSmarts Resources
Unit 5 – Human Rights in the Global Community
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.5.1 Investigate the significance of the universal human rights movement in Canada and the global community
Specific Expectations
5.1.1 define the broad concept of universal human rights (not specific articles)
5.1.2 describe various areas of universal human rights (not specific articles)
5.1.3 explain the need for recognition of universal human rights in Canada and in the global community
5.1.4 describe some of the human rights violations that have occurred within Canada involving Aboriginal peoples
5.1.5 examine past and present human rights issues involving Canada’s Aboriginal peoples through the lenses of sustainability: societal, economic, and political
MediaSmarts Resources
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.5.2 Analyse the relationship between universal human rights (including those within Canada) and globalization
Specific Expectations
5.2.1 explain how social and mass media have raised awareness around universal human rights issues
5.2.2 describe other global means of raising awareness about universal human rights including any specific intiatives within Canada
5.2.3 explain how globalization has created both positive and negative reactions to universal human rights issues
5.2.4 examine the role of globalization in both historical and current issues related to Aboriginal peoples of Canada
MediaSmarts Resources
- Challenging Hate Online
- Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of advances and challenges related to universal human rights including those within Canada
Specific Expectations
5.3.1 identify factors that have contributed to advances in universal human rights
5.3.2 describe challenges that have impeded advances in universal human rights
5.3.3 examine the moral and ethical implications related to globalization and universal human rights
MediaSmarts Resources
- Bias and Crime in Media
- Bias in News Sources
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Hate 2.0
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
- Thinking about Hate
Unit 6 – Citizenship in the Global Community
Overall Expectations
SCO 9.6.1 Take age-appropriate action that demonstrates active global citizenship
Specific Expectations
Students who have achieved this outcome will understand that
- Global issues have an impact on everyone in some way.
- Everyone is capable of contributing to positive change.
- Small actions can help bring about big change.
- Global and local issues require a logical, problem-solving approach.
MediaSmarts Resources