Outcome Chart - Prince Edward Island - Law 531

Unit 1: Foundations of Law

Overall Expectations

The opening section, “Fundamentals of Law,” forms a basis for the rest of the course in that provides an opportunity for students to explore and construct meaning about the origins of the Canadian and more global systems of law. Initial activities invite student participation, reflection, and contribution at a very basic level everyday life and an imaginary setting where there are no rules.

Specific Expectations

1.1.2 describe some of the factors that influence change in law

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Unit 2: Criminal Law

Overall Expectations

The opening section of the Criminal Law unit introduces students to the basic principles and terminology that relate to this type of law. Students will gain an overall understanding of why this category of law is needed in society and how is it administered. Students will be able to distinguish among different types of offences as well as the parties that are involved in these types of offences.

Specific Expectations

2.1.1 explain society’s need to criminalize certain behaviours

2.1.2 define crime, criminal law, and the Criminal Code of Canada

2.1.3 explain the elements of a criminal offence and apply to specific offences

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