Outcome Chart - Ontario - Geography CGW4U: World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

This chart contains media-related learning outcomes from Ontario, Curriculum for Geography CGW4U: World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development

Overall Expectations

Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating world issues

Specific Expectations

A1.1 formulate different types of questions to guide investigations into world geographic issues

A1.2 select and organize relevant data and information on geographic issues from a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary: raw data from fieldwork, both quantitative and qualitative; photographs; satellite images; secondary: published statistics, newspapers, books, atlases, geographic magazines, websites, graphs, charts, digital and print maps), ensuring that their sources represent a diverse range of perspectives

A1.3 assess the credibility of sources and information relevant to their investigations

A1.4 interpret and analyse data and information relevant to their investigations, using various tools, strategies, and approaches appropriate for geographic inquiry

A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about the issues they are investigating

A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose

A1.8 use accepted forms of documentation (e.g., footnotes, author/date citations, reference lists, bibliographies, annotated bibliographies, credits) to reference different types of sources (e.g., websites, blogs, books, articles, films, data)

MediaSmarts Resources

Lesson Plans

Spatial Organization: Relationships and Disparities

Overall Expectations

Classifying Regions of the World: explain how various characteristics are used to classify the world into regions or other groupings

Specific Expectations

B3.2 evaluate particular indicators or characteristics that are used to classify countries, and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of their use

MediaSmarts Resources

Social Change and Quality of Life

Overall Expectations

Leadership and Policy: analyse the influence of governments, groups, and individuals on the promotion and management of social change

Specific Expectations

E1.2 assess the effectiveness of various international aid policies, programs, and practices (e.g., food aid, economic development aid, infrastructure projects, debt relief) in improving the quality of life in developing countries

E1.3 assess the contributions of various individuals to advancing human rights and improving the quality of life in various countries, and assess the roles and responsibilities of individuals, as global citizens, in helping to solve issues of global concern

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Overall Expectations

Agents of Change: analyse impacts of selected agents of change on society and quality of life

Specific Expectations

E2.1 explain the impact of technology as an agent of change, and describe ways in which technology could be used to bring about beneficial change in the future

E2.2 analyse the influence of mass media, including the Internet, on social and political change


MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

Continuing Challenges: analyse issues relating to human rights, food security, health care, and other challenges to the quality of life of the world’s population

Specific Expectations

E3.2 assess the responsibility of governments and international bodies for the promotion and protection of human rights

E3.3 analyse issues relating to the rights of women and children (e.g., child labour, birth control, access to education, economic independence of women), and assess the effectiveness of programs (e.g., programs that train women in the local community as teachers, programs that fund business opportunities for women, Child Soldiers Initiative, Make Poverty History) and organizations (e.g., World Vision, UNICEF, Save the Children, Plan International, Free the Children, Grameen Bank) that address these issues

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