Outcome Chart - Ontario - History CHE3O: Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group

This chart contains media-related learning outcomes from Ontario, Curriculum for History CHE3O: Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Historical Inquiry and Skill Development

Overall Expectations

A1. Historical Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process and the concepts of historical thinking when investigating the history of the selected ethnic group

Specific Expectations

A1.1 formulate different types of questions to guide investigations into issues, events, and/or developments relevant to the history of the selected ethnic group

A1.2 select and organize relevant evidence and information on aspects of the history of the selected ethnic group from a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary: artefacts or architecture from the region or country of origin, art work from the time, autobiographies, diaries, letters, maps, oral histories, period newspapers, photographs, political cartoons; secondary: books and/or articles from the library, classroom textbooks, documentaries or other films, current newspapers, websites), ensuring that their sources reflect different perspectives

A1.3 assess the credibility of sources and information relevant to their investigations

A1.4 interpret and analyse evidence and information relevant to their investigations, using various tools, strategies, and approaches appropriate for historical inquiry

A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about the issues, events, and/or developments they are investigating

A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose

A1.8 use accepted forms of documentation (e.g., footnotes or endnotes, author/date citations, reference lists, bibliographies, credits) to reference different types of sources (e.g., archival sources, articles, art works, blogs, books, films or videos, oral evidence, websites)

MediaSmarts Resources

Lesson Plans

The Canadian Experience

Overall Expectations

Contributing to Canada: explain various ways in which ethnic groups, including the selected ethnic group, have contributed to Canada

Specific Expectations

D3.1 describe the contributions of individuals from various ethnic groups, including the specific ethnic group under study, to their own communities and to the development of culture and identity in Canada (e.g., with reference to literature, art, film, television, politics, the media, education, science and technology, sports, business)

D3.2 describe various ways in which ethnic groups have contributed to culture and identity in Canada (e.g., museums and cultural centres, arts and crafts, music, architecture, foods, neighbourhoods, economic contributions, military contributions), and assess the contribution of the specific ethnic group under study

MediaSmarts Resources

The Ethnic Group in Contemporary Canada

Overall Expectations

Social, Economic, and Political Issues: analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or developments at the local, national, and international level have affected the selected ethnic group in Canada

Specific Expectations

E1.2 analyse ways in which some social, economic, and/or political issues, events, and/or developments at the national level in Canada have affected the selected ethnic group

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

From Assimilation to Multiculturalism: analyse the evolution of social and political perspectives and political policies related to immigration and cultural diversity in Canada

Specific Expectations

E2.2 analyse various government programs or policies that support multiculturalism (e.g., the establishment of Black History Month or Asian Heritage Month; the funding of ethnic festivals and museums; heritage language programs in schools; modifying uniform requirements to accommodate turbans and hijabs; practices regarding prayer in schools), and assess whether they meet the needs of various ethnic groups, including the selected ethnic group

E2.3 analyse changes over time in social attitudes towards ethnic groups and cultural diversity, and explain the impact of these changes on relations between these groups and the broader society, with reference, where applicable, to the selected ethnic group

MediaSmarts Resources

Overall Expectations

Cultural Traditions: analyse some of the challenges that ethnic groups face in trying to maintain their traditional cultures, and describe ways in which groups in Canada have maintained their cultures

Specific Expectations

E3.1 analyse challenges and opportunities associated with preserving cultural diversity in Canada

E3.3 describe ways in which the selected ethnic group has retained its cultural traditions in Canada

MediaSmarts Resources