New Brunswick - Visual Arts 11

Strand: Create

Big Idea: Exploration and Technique

Skill Descriptor:

Select and experiment with materials and techniques to support decisions about art making practice.    

Achievement Indicators:

Apply elements of art and principles of design through artwork created.

Demonstrate increasing complexity in use of elements of art and principles of design through artwork created.

Manipulate art materials to express ideas.

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Application and Product

Skill Descriptor:

Create expressive works in visual arts for specific audiences and purposes using a variety of art media.   

Achievement Indicators:

Create work based on guided inquiry sharing ideas and voice through direct observation, experience, and imagination.

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Connect

Big Idea: Art and Culture

Skill Descriptor:

Investigate the role of visual art in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture.   

Achievement Indicators:

Investigate the role and influence of visual images in daily experience.

Analyze how art and interpretation emerges from human needs, values, beliefs, ideas, and experiences.

Interpret characteristics of artwork from different cultures and periods of time.

Analyze legal, ethical, and moral considerations involved in appreciation vs appropriation and inspiration vs plagiarism.

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Communicate

Big Idea: Critical Response

Skill Descriptor:

Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate critical analysis skills.    

Achievement Indicators:

Use the language of elements of art and principles of design to describe the work of self and others with guidance and support.

Critically analyze artworks independently and discuss with peers.

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Personal Communication

Skill Descriptor:

Skill Descriptor: Present expressive works.

Achievement Indicators:

Curate and present a selection of personally meaningful, self-created works with limited guidance and support.

MediaSmarts Resources