Outcome Chart - Alberta - Art Level 2 (Grades 3-4)


Overall Expectations

APPRECIATION: Students will interpret artworks literally.

Specific Expectations

B. Artistic style is largely the product of an age.

C. Technological change affects types of art.

D. Our associations influence the way we experience a work of art.

E. Art is valued for different reasons; e.g., aesthetic, economic, symbolic, associative.

F. Art serves societal as well as personal needs.

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Overall Expectations

PURPOSE 1: Students will record or document activities, people and discoveries.

Specific Expectations

C. Family groups and people relationships can be recorded visually.

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Overall Expectations

PURPOSE 2: Students will illustrate or tell a story.

Specific Expectations

C. Material from any subject discipline can be illustrated visually.

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Overall Expectations

PURPOSE 5: Students will create an original composition, object or space based on supplied motivation.

Specific Expectations

A. Outside stimulation from sources such as music, literature, photographs, film, creative movement, drama, television and computers can be interpreted visually.

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Overall Expectations


Students will develop themes, with an emphasis on social concerns, based on:

A. Plants and animals

B. Environments and places

C. Manufactured or human-made things

D. Fantasy

E. People

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Overall Expectations


Students will use media and techniques, with an emphasis on exploration and direct methods in drawing, painting, print making, sculpture, fabric arts, photography and technographic arts.

Specific Expectations

F. Photography and Technographic Arts

Take advantage of the visual art implications of any available technological device, and explore the potential of emerging technologies.

Included at this level, and advancing from previous grades:

  • emerging new technologies, as available and applicable.

Employ technological media techniques, practices and capabilities to promote art understanding and create designs and compositions.

Included at this level and advancing from previous grades:

  • printers to record computer
  • compositions, or direct photography
  • off the screen
  • animation techniques available through
  • computer software packages

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