Digital Citizen Day
October 29, 2025

What is Digital Citizen Day?
Digital Citizen Day is an annual event encouraging everyone to engage and share responsibly in our digital world.
Use #DigitalCitizenDay on October 29, 2025 to help spread the word and improve our online spaces!
What is a digital citizen?
If you’re online, you’re a digital citizen!
Being a responsible digital citizen is about navigating and interacting in online spaces respectfully, safely and with compassion.
What are some ways we can be responsible digital citizens?
- Checking reputable sources before sharing information
- Reaching out to help if you see someone being cyberbullied
- Pushing back against hate and prejudice online and reporting it
- Using digital tools to be an active citizen in your community
- Being mindful of your digital media use
- Remembering there's a real person behind the screen
- Respecting our own privacy and other people’s privacy online
How can I take part?
Spread the word on social media using #DigitalCitizenDay. Share how you're taking part and tag us @MediaSmarts in your posts!
Are you an educator or community organizer? Plan Digital Citizen Day activities for your organization or classroom using the resources in the Teachers’ Hub.
Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest information on Digital Citizen Day!
Here are four tip sheets and videos about the different aspects of digital citizenship:
Read more about digital citizenship
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