Quebec Competencies Chart - Broadcasting Codes
Author: MediaSmarts
Level: Secondary Cycle Two
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Lesson Link: Broadcasting Codes
Lesson Description: This lesson introduces students to the organizations, codes and guidelines that govern the broadcasting industry in Canada and familiarizes them with the regulatory process that exists to deal with complaints and issues within the industry.
Cross-curricular Competencies |
Broad Areas of Learning |
This lesson satisfies the following English Language Arts Competencies from the Quebec Education Program:
COMPETENCY 2 Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
Constructing a Reading of a Text
- Focuses on a topic and/or issue that is of interest to her/him to construct an efferent reading, (e.g. makes sense of the text by coming to terms with the ways in which a topic has been developed by a writer/producer)
- Focuses on the relationship between self as reader and the text to construct an interpretive reading
- Activates relevant prior textual knowledge before, during and after reading text(s) to monitor the meaning(s) s/he is making, (e.g. uses what is known about a writer/producer and her/his style to make predictions, draws on knowledge of structures and features of a specific genre, applies knowledge of codes and conventions particular to specific texts)
- Activates relevant prior personal knowledge and experience to make sense of a text which is frequently expressed in text-to-self connections, text-to-world connections, text-to-text connections
- Asks questions of self, writers(s) and text(s) as s/he reads to clarify and focus reading
- Determines the most important ideas/messages/themes in a text
- Draws inferences from a text
- Retells or synthesizes what s/he has read, e.g. attends to the most important information and the quality of the synthesis itself to better understand the text
Reader, Text, Context
Distinguishes between “open” and “closed” texts:
- analyzes the degree to which the text may be considered “open” to multiple perspectives/ interpretations (i.e. is complex enough to allow different perspectives to emerge) and interprets how these influence the view of the world presented.
- analyzes the degree to which the text may be considered “closed” to multiple perspectives (i.e. runs along formulaic lines that indicate its lack of complexity and make only a limited number of perspectives possible) and interprets how this influences the view of the world, e.g. in a pulp romance novel or a comic book, recognizes some elements of plot structure that are formulaic and repetitive
COMPETENCY 3 Produces texts for personal and social purposes
Researching as a Writer/Producer
- Develops topics that are personally and socially relevant:
- looks at multiple perspectives on the topic, e.g. pros and cons of an argument, how different people perceive the issue
- Researches aspects of the media and publishing industries to best produce, market and distribute their products:
- investigates how texts are produced and under what conditions
Assuming Roles as a Writer/Producer
- Adopts a stance to a topic and audience appropriate to the genre
- Considers who s/he represents, e.g. the beliefs and values of a company and/or an organization
- Explores different dimensions of a character, issue
Characterizing an Audience
Investigates how different target audiences use and respond to particular texts:
- compares and contrasts own responses, reactions and use of texts with those of peers, family, other households and more distant audiences
Planning and Drafting
- Brainstorms ideas, clarifies and extends thinking by talking with peers and teacher
- Uses strategies to work out ideas, plan and draft, e.g. concept map, free writing, storyboard
- Develops expertise in manipulating resources
- Makes preparations prior to production
Going Public
- Makes final adjustments before presentation
- Presents text to intended audience