Outcome Chart - Newfoundland and Labrador - Health Education Grade 8
This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Newfoundland and Labrador Grade 8 Health Education with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.
Emotional and Social Well-Being
It is expected that students will:
- have an awareness of the factors that influence male and female roles
- Exposing Gender Stereotypes
- Gender and Tobacco
- Learning Gender Stereotypes
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Media Minute Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media Minute Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- That’s Not Cool
- The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
Growth and Development
It is expected that students will:
understand the role of the media in establishing feelings and attitudes about ourselves and relationships with others, including dating and becoming sexually active
- Cyberbullying and Civic Participation
- Cyberbullying and the Law (Grades 7 - 8)
- Media Minute Lesson 4: Media have commercial implications
- Media Minute Lesson 5: Media have social and political implications
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- That’s Not Cool
- Understanding Cyberbullying: Virtual vs. Physical Worlds
Drugs: Alcohol and Other Drugs
It is expected that students will:
- distinguish between facts and myths with regard to drug, alcohol
- be aware of the particular risks associated with alcohol use by teens
- understand the laws pertaining to alcohol use and young people
- understand social influences, including advertising, on decisions about drinking
- to be aware of how advertising and the media influence decisions regarding drug use
- Gender and Tobacco
- Gender Messages in Alcohol Advertising
- Image Gap
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Messages About Drinking
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Young Drinkers
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Understanding Brands
- Kids, Alcohol and Advertising: Interpreting Media Messages
- Mirror Image
- Tobacco Labels
- Thinking Like a Tobacco Company
- Truth or Money
- Selling Tobacco