Social Studies 4-12 Overview
Media-related objectives can be found in all of the General Learning Outcomes in Social Studies in Manitoba.
Identity, Culture, and Community
Many factors influence identity and life in communities, including culture, language, history, and shared beliefs and values. Identity is subject to time and place, and is shaped by a multiplicity of personal, social, and economic factors. A critical consideration of identity, culture, and community provides students with opportunities to explore the symbols and expressions of their own and others’ cultural and social groups.
The Land: Places and People
The exploration of people’s relationships with places and environments creates an understanding of human dependence and impact upon the natural environment. Students explore how spatial and physical characteristics of the environment affect human life, cultures, and societies. They consider how connections to the land influence their identities and define their roles and responsibilities as citizens, locally, nationally, and globally.
Historical Connections
An exploration of Canadian and world history enables students to acquire knowledge and appreciation of the past, to understand the present, and to live with regard for the future. An important aspect of this process is the disciplined investigation and interpretation of history. Students learn to think historically as they explore people, events, ideas, and evidence of the past. As they reflect upon diverse perspectives, personal narratives, parallel accounts, and oral and social histories, students develop the historical understanding that provides a foundation for active democratic citizenship.
Global Interdependence
People, communities, societies, nations, and environments are interdependent. An exploration of this interdependence enhances students’ global consciousness and helps them develop empathy with respect to the human condition. Students critically consider diverse perspectives as they examine the connections that link local, national, and global communities. Consideration of global connections enables students to expand their knowledge of the world in which they live and to engage in active democratic citizenship.
Power and Authority
Students critically examine the distribution, exercise, and implications of power and authority in everyday life and in formal settings. They consider diverse forms of governance and leadership, and inquire into issues of fairness and equity. This exploration helps students develop a sense of personal empowerment as active democratic citizens.
Economics and Resources
Students explore the effects of economic interdependence on individuals, communities, and nations in the global context. They examine economic factors that affect decision making, the use of resources, and the development of technologies. As students explore diverse perspectives regarding human needs, wants, and quality of life, they critically consider the social and environmental implications of the distribution of resources and technologies, locally, nationally, and globally.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 Social Studies: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes. Manitoba Education and Training
In the left menu you will find outcome charts containing media-related learning outcomes from the English Language Arts curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site. As many of our lessons can be adapted to suit different grade levels, specific lessons may be listed for more than one grade. Teachers should also note that individual lessons often satisfy a number of learning outcomes.