Outcome Chart - Yukon - English Language Arts Grade 3

Big Ideas

  • Stories and other texts can be shared through pictures and words.
  • Everyone has a unique story to share.
  • Curiosity and wonder lead us to new discoveries about ourselves and the world around us.
  • Through listening and speaking, we connect with others and share our world.
  • Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.

Overall Expectations: Comprehending and Connect (reading, listening, viewing)

  • Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are expected individually and collaboratively to be able to:

Specific Expectations:

  • Read fluently at grade level
  • Use sources of information and prior knowledge to make meaning
  • Recognize how different text structures reflect different purposes.
  • Engage actively as listeners, viewers, and readers, as appropriate, to develop understanding of self, identity, and community
  • Demonstrate awareness of the role that story plays in personal, family, and community identity
  • Use personal experience and knowledge to connect to stories and other texts to make meaning

Specific Expectations: Create and Communicate (writing, speaking, presenting)

  • Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
  • Create stories and other texts to deepen awareness of self, family, and community
  • Plan and create a variety of communication forms for different purposes and audiences

MediaSmarts Resources