Outcome Chart - Saskatchewan - Career Education 7

Change and Growth (CG)

Overall Expectations

Goal: All students will develop career management competencies through an exploration of personal change and growth.

Specific Expectations

CG7.1 Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work.

CG7.2 Develop and demonstrate the behaviours and understandings needed for building healthy relationships (i.e., emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical).

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Life and Work Plan (LW)

Overall Expectations

Goal: All students will engage in inquiry to construct a personal life and work plan

Specific Expectations

LW7.2 Investigate nontraditional work scenarios involving issues such as stereotyping and discrimination to assess the impact on life and work.

Define the concepts of stereotype, bias, and discrimination and speculate how they may limit opportunities of oneself and others in certain work roles within the Saskatchewan context

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