Quebec Competencies Chart - Counting and Discussing Violence on the Screen

Author: MediaSmarts
Level: Cycles One and Two
Subject Area: English Language Arts, Personal Development
Lesson Link: Counting and Discussing Violence on the Screen

Description: This lesson helps children become aware of the types of violence that appear on television, the frequency with which these acts occur, and how they respond to these acts. It begins with a guided discussion about the different types of violence and then, how violence is portrayed on TV. Using worksheets, students then survey the television shows they enjoy for acts of violence and then, as a class, compile and discuss their findings.

Cross-curricular Competencies

  • To use information
  • To solve problems
  • To exercise critical judgement
  • To use information and communications technologies for learning purposes

Broad Areas of Learning

  • Health and Well-Being
  • Media Literacy

This lesson satisfies the following English Language Arts Competencies from the Quebec Education Program:

Competency 1: To Read and Listen to Literary, Popular and Information-Based Texts

Essential Knowledges:

  • Uses prior knowledge and personal experience of the content of a text
  • Questions and talk with others to clarify and enrich interpretations
  • Makes predictions, confirmations and inferences, when prompted by the teacher
  • Makes connections to prior knowledge or to other texts
  • Uses different reading strategies according to the text type
  • Reads, listens to and views a range of self-selected and personally relevant texts that include:
    • Use of personal, social and cultural background and experiences to interpret texts
    • Searching the Internet to locate texts that entertain, promote, and inform
  • Develops a personal response process in the context of a community of readers through:
    • Discussion of responses with others individually, on small groups and in the whole class
    • Recount of the story and, with guidance, outline of information in a text
    • Development of opinions on literary or popular texts
    • Sharing of responses with others to clarify meaning and enrich interpretation
    • Comparing own responses with those of others at a beginner's level
  • Moves beyond the initial response through:
    • Responses to texts in a variety of ways that include talking, writing, the Arts, Media
    • Early attempts to explain own views of a text
    • Support for own views with references to the text in small and large group discussions
    • Discussions of structures and features of text and their impact on the reader
    • Discussion of the structures and features of a text and their influence on the meaning of a text
  • Sees a text as a construction through:
    • Plausibility of events, characters, opinions and/or information in a text in relation to own values and experiences
  • Understands the influence of familiar structures and features on the meaning of text through:
    • Identification of some structures and features of familiar text types
  • Begins to identify the view of the world presented in a text through:
    • Making of inferences, when prompted, about the view of the world presented by the text
  • Recognizes self as a member of a reading audience

Competency 3: To Represent Her/His Literacy in Different Media

Essential Knowledges:

  • Uses a repertoire of strategies to unlock messages/meanings in various media texts:
    • Use own questions in order to predict and confirm
    • Draw on prior experience with familiar media texts to understand how they are constructed
    • Rereads/looks again in order to clarify and extend understanding of a text
  • Uses structures and features of texts:
    • Compare structures and features of familiar media texts
  • Makes meaning of a media text by:
    • brainstorming
    • drawing on prior knowledge
    • sharing responses with peers
    • making connections to own experiences
    • returning to text
  • Consider some of the functions of the media through:
    • Collaboration with peers in pairs, small groups and whole class to clarify, decode and respond to media texts
    • Recognizing and naming of familiar media: television, radio, film, magazine, video, Internet, CD-ROM, children's magazines
    • Identifying her/his understanding of the messages/meanings of familiar media texts
    • Looking at some functions of different, familiar media in relation to her/his understanding of the messages/meanings of a text
  • Understands that texts are social and cultural products through:
    • Own response and responses of others:
      • Compares own response with those of peers in order to support and enrich own understanding
  • Real and Imaginary Worlds
    • Returns to text to make sense of real and imaginary events
    • Explores and discusses the distinguishing features of real and imaginary events and characters
    • Tentatively interprets the feelings, thoughts and motives of real and imaginary characters in discussions with peers
    • Explores the depiction of heroes and heroines, both imaginary and real, in the media
  • Selection from the following text types
    • Posters and signs, charts, graphs and time lines, comic strips, computer-assisted graphic reproductions, models from instruction booklets, surveys of viewing habits, magazine for peers
  • Production of the texts listed above in groups with peers that:
    • Incorporate appropriate communication strategies and resources given the text type and the context  

Competency 4: To Use Language to Communicate and Learn

Essential Knowledges:

  • Shares information with peers and teacher
  • Talks about responses and point of view with peers and teacher
  • Asks and answers questions from peers and teacher
  • Responds to the ideas and points of view of others with sensitivity and interest
  • Talks through new ideas and information
  • Uses language (talk) for learning and thinking by:
    • Participating in collaborative reading, writing, viewing, visually representing, listening and talking activities:
      • Writing, producing and reading together
      • Planning of a project
      • Brainstorming
    • Questioning and challenging of different points of view/perspectives
  • Listens critically