Outcome Chart - Ontario - Information and Communication Technology: (BTA3O) The Digital Environment, Grade 11, Open
Digital Literacy
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- demonstrate effective use of tools and techniques of electronic research.
Specific Expectations
Electronic Research
By the end of this course, students will:
identify and describe the types of electronic sources that can be used for research (e.g., websites, CD-ROMs, databases);
explain efficient search techniques that can be used to locate relevant information (e.g., metasearch, Boolean search, advanced search, natural language search);
use efficient search techniques to research and solve business-related tasks and problems (e.g., checking facts and figures, locating contact information, looking for career opportunities);
evaluate information collected from electronic sources for usefulness, accuracy, validity, bias, appropriateness, currency;
use an accepted citation format (e.g., MLA,APA) to acknowledge electronic sources.
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Deconstructing Web Pages
- Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues
- Hate 2.0
- Hate or Debate
- I heard it ‘round the Internet: Sexual health education and authenticating online information
- Taming the Wild Wiki
Information and Communication Technology Ethics and Issues
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to information and communication technology;
Specific Expectations
Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
describe the impact on business of the illegal and unethical use of information and communication technology;
describe the legal issues related to intellectual property law (e.g., copyright, trademarks, domain names);
adhere to copyright and licensing rules and regulations when accessing information electronically;
assess the purpose and content of an acceptable use agreement;
describe the social and ethical issues related to the use of information and communication technology in business (e.g., equity and access issues, use of spyware, employee monitoring, sale of customer information).
MediaSmarts Resources
- Authentication Beyond the Classroom
- Challenging Hate Online
- Cyberbullying and the Law
- First, Do No Harm: Being an Active Witness to Cyberbullying
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Free Speech and the Internet
- Hate 2.0
- Hate or Debate
- Hoax? Scholarly Research? Personal Opinion? You Decide!
- Online Propaganda and the Proliferation of Hate
- Promoting Ethical Behaviour Online: My Virtual Life
- Remixing Media
- Scapegoating and Othering
- Shaking the Movers: Youth Rights and Media
- Thinking about Hate
- Up, Up and Away? (TM)
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
analyse privacy and security issues related to conducting business electronically;
Specific Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
- explain the reasons for protecting information and computer systems, and the methods of protection (e.g., passwords, firewalls, login, anti-virus software) used in standalone and networked environments;
- describe privacy and security issues (e.g., cybercrime, loss of privacy, identity theft, viruses) related to the use of information and communication technology tools;
- identify the security measures that e-businesses provide for consumers (e.g., encryption of credit card information, passwords, user identification).
MediaSmarts Resources
- #ForYou: The Algorithm Game
- Playing With Privacy
- Secure Comics
- The Privacy Dilemma: Lesson Plan for Senior Classrooms
- What Students Need to Know about Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- Who Knows? Your Privacy in the Information Age
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
summarize health and environmental issues related to the use of information and communication technology.
Specific Expectations
Health and Environmental Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
- describe methods to ensure personal health and safety in an information and communication technology environment;
MediaSmarts Resources