Quebec Competencies Chart - Dealing with Digital Stress

Author: Matthew Johnson, Director of Education, MediaSmarts
Level: Grades 9-12
Lesson Length: 1.5-2.5 hours
Lesson Link:

Description: In this lesson, students reflect on the ways in which digital media can cause stress. Through a series of role-playing exercises, they consider how social media can cause stress by making us compare the highlights of others’ lives to the lowlights of our own, and practice strategies for coping with digital stress.

Cross-curricular Competencies

Broad Areas of Learning

  • To solve problems
  • To exercise critical judgement
  • To use creativity
  • To use information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • To construct his/her identity
  • To communicate appropriately
  • Media Literacy
  • Health and Well-Being


This lesson satisfies the following Competencies from the Quebec Education Program:

English Language Arts

Produces texts for personal and social purposes

Extends repertoire of resources for producing texts

  • Immerses self in texts to learn how they are constructed
  • Investigates the codes and conventions of various genres
  • Creates criteria for what makes text(s) effective
  • Examines the affordances of different modes and genres to make production decisions
  • Uses models of different texts to apply chosen features in own work
  • Applies codes and conventions of written and media language
  • Compares own style in relation to other writers/producers
  • Develops standards for using language responsibly to represent people, events and ideas

Constructs a relationship between writer/producer, text and context

  • Understands that all texts are constructed in specific contexts for specific audiences and purposes
  • Researches as a writer/producer to become more informed, to create authentic contexts and to characterize an audience
  • Assumes various roles in own productions
  • Analyzes the elements of the context and shapes the text accordingly
  • Examines the differences between producing texts for public and private spaces.

Adapts a process to produce texts in specific contexts

  • Participates both individually and collaboratively in different recursive phases of the production process
  • Confers regularly with peers and teacher throughout the production process
  • Uses feedback strategies to improve own productions and support peers
  • Reflects on own development as a writer/producer over time
  • Monitors own learning
  • Cultivates a variety of media and writerly practices
  • Explores a variety of avenues for wider publication


Creates dramatic works

Applies ideas for the creation of a dramatic work

  • Is open to a stimulus for creation
  • Is receptive to ideas, images, emotions, sensations or impressions evoked by the stimulus
  • Keeps records of his/her ideas
  • Explores various ways of conveying creative ideas through dramatic action
  • Chooses dramatic actions for their interest
  • Plans a creative project

Shares his/her dramatic creation experience

  • Analyzes his/her creative intention and process
  • Keeps records of his/her ideas
  • Identifies the important elements of his/her experience and its characteristics
  • Makes comparisons with previous knowledge
  • Identifies what he/she has learned and the methods used

Presents his/her dramatic creation

  • Remains attentive to classmates
  • Adjusts his/her actions to those of classmates
  • Takes advantage of unexpected occurrences
  • Respects conventions concerning unified performance
  • Validates the clarity of the creative intention
  • Reconsiders and confirms artistic choices
  • Plans necessary adjustments

Uses elements of dramatic language

  • Experiments with elements of dramatic language
  • Makes use of his/her dramatic experiences
  • Chooses the most meaningful elements in relation to his/her creative intention and perfects methods for using these elements

Organizes his/her dramatic creation

  • Experiments with ways of linking dramatic scenes
  • Organizes the dramatic material based on the creative intention
  • Reviews his/her dramatic choices after considering the character of the work
  • Establishes conventions concerning unified performance
  • Refines certain elements of his/her creation, if necessary

Performs dramatic works

Becomes familiar with the dramatic content of the work

  • Immerses himself/herself in the work and identifies elements of dramatic language
  • Recognizes the meaning and, if applicable, the historical or sociocultural aspects that may affect the performance
  • Experiments with various ways of conveying the dramatic content of the work
  • Uses performance strategies

Shares his/her performance experience

  • Analyzes his/her communicative purpose and progress and the development of his/her understanding of the work, if applicable
  • Identifies the important elements of his/her experience and its characteristics
  • Compares with his/her previous learning
  • Identifies what he/she has learned and the methods used

Respects the conventions regarding unified performance

  • Establishes conventions regarding unified performance
  • Listens to others
  • Puts established conventions into practice
  • Adjusts his/her performance to that of others
  • Updates the elements of dramatic language selected

Uses elements of dramatic language

  • Experiments with elements of dramatic language related to the characters, action and meaning of the work
  • Makes use of sensory and emotional resources and experiences
  • Uses observation to improve his/her performance
  • Adapts elements of the dramatic language selected to bring out the characters, action and meaning of the work
  • Links dramatic actions

Becomes familiar with the expressive nature of the work

  • Experiments with the expressive elements of the work
  • Adapts these elements to the performance or to the author’s intention, if applicable
  • Makes use of expressive resources
  • Selects elements of dramatic language to match the nature of the work and his/her communication intention

Physical Education and Health

Adopts a healthy, active lifestyle

Develops a plan designed to maintain or change some personal lifestyle habits

  • Using appropriate tools, prepares a summary of observable facts about own lifestyle habits
  • Chooses two lifestyle habits to maintain or change, if appropriate
  • Begins a process
  • Identifies own tastes and aptitudes
  • Plans a strategy with two realistic objectives and anticipates the consequences
  • Uses a variety of resources

Evaluates own process and lifestyle habits

  • Using appropriate tools, measures whether own fitness level has been maintained or improved
  • Judges whether the objective was met, in light of data collected
  • Explains the reasons for difficulties and achievements
  • Reconsiders choice of strategy and results obtained
  • Identifies new learning

Recognizes work accomplished

  • Makes a decision based on the evaluation
  • Carries out the plan
  • Applies own strategy to improve or maintain two lifestyle habits
  • Uses the resources required to carry out the plan
  • Perseveres in carrying out the plan
  • Using appropriate tools, compiles facts about changes to own lifestyle habits