Outcome Chart - Manitoba - English as an Additional Language Middle Years

Demonstrate use of language competence

Overall Expectations

Speak and Represent

Specific Expectations

Produce a short oral presentation

  • on a personal or familiar academic topic with guidance in a structured situation with or without visual aids such as gestures, role-playing/acting out, pictures, realia, multimedia, or other representations

Express meaning spontaneously

Produce a short presentation

  • prepared or spontaneous
  • on a personal or familiar academic topic
  • in structured or unstructured situations
  • with or without visual aids such as gestures, role-playing/acting out, pictures, realia, multimedia, or other representations

Present and elaborate on thoughts and ideas, demonstrating a sense of audience with targeted support

  • on a range of familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • with or without the use of media

Lessons that meet grade expectations

Demonstrate knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured, and sequenced

Overall Expectations

Recognize text forms

Specific Expectations

  • Recognize and use a variety of media text forms; analyze and identify the organizational structure of a variety of text forms (e.g., folk tale/fable, newspaper article, instructions for a game, website)
  • Use a variety of familiar text forms and media in their own productions (e.g., recipe, comic strip, letters, radio or television report, article, computer presentation)

Lessons that meet grade expectations